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Bernh. Botolfsen Import AS importerer det meste som finnes av frisk frukt og grønnsaker – direkte – fra alle verdenshjørner, og sammen med det vi tar inn fra våre norske leverandører, selger vi hvert år store kvantum med frukt og grønt av ypperste kvalitet til våre kunder.

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Apple is a fruit that has been known since the Stone Ages and is found in a number of varieties. Originally, the apple comes from Asia. Of course, we know it from the Bible as well; where we were taught that Eva tempted Adam with an apple from the tree of knowledge.

Apples come in green, yellow, yellowish red, red or other combinations of colours.
This fruit has high fibre content and has a beneficial effect on the digestion. When it comes to vitamins and minerals, the apple is less endowed, but since we eat apples relatively frequently, it is still significant to our diet. In apples, the vitamin C sits right underneath the skin, so you should eat apples with the skin still on. Apples for storage contain slightly more vitamin C than varieties intended for early consumption. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and increases the uptake of iron from other foods.

Gala is one of the newer dual coloured best-sellers, and Royal Gala is a variant of this, but with a nicer red colour. Gala originates from New Zealand. Other types, such as Red Delicious and Granny Smith come from California in the US. We import a great amount of apples from South Tirol. The apples from this area are especially good in taste, partly due to the cold nights and warm, sunny days of the Alps.

In Norway, we grow Gravensten in Hardanger, while Åkerø and Aroma are among the other types we grow domestically

Apples come in many different sizes and tastes, and are a good source for fibre, especially when consumed with the skin. Apples are also delicious in cakes and salads, or as jam and drinks.
